We are proud of the many charities we support! Just to name a few ...
Here are 6 Reasons to Own
1. Build Equity
2. Tax Deduction Savings
3. Stabilize Monthly Payments
4. Maintenance Choices
5. No Pet Restrictions
6. Gain Sense of Community
these are just to name a few..
Ask us about Down Payment Assistance Programs for First Time Home Buyers!
Certain counties throughout Florida offer Down Payment Assistance Programs to assist qualified first time home buyers funds for
there down payment and closing costs associated with purchasing a home. The amount of assistance provided will be determined
based on your household income. A household can qualify as very low income, or low income. Please refer to the income chart in the
Learn More section of this web page to access the income limits. The amount of assistance available can range from county to county
All applicants must complete a pre-purchase homebuyer’s education program, and secure a first mortgage. The property to be
purchased must be located in the County where funds are provided.
Discover the path to owning the home of your dreams
We offer the largest selection of custom loan programs in Florida and can assist you with transitioning
from renting a home to owning a home..
Loan Pre-Approval Application
Our Loan Pre-Approval Application is for those borrowers who
would like to be pre-approved with a qualifying amount,rate
and down payment that collectively meets with your
expectations and budget before making a full commitment to
move forward. When submitted, one of our professional loan
specialist assigned to your account will simply review your
credit history, years tax returns and/or bank statements
depending on loan type. Once you are pre-approved and agree with the terms. We will issue you
signed pre-approval letter and initiate the final underwriting approval process.